How can analogue games be applied in the context of higher education?
For example, Dixit cards for associative thinking, Lego bricks for predicting one's future career prospects, and the board game Internota for discussing the possibilities for a more sustainable life for each of us?
The photos show moments from the Erasmus+ project TEGA - Training the Educators to Facilitate the Teaching and Assessment of the Abstract Syllabus by the use of Serious Games, Project (No. 2020-1-UK01-KA203-079248) Multiplier event initiated by Assoc. Prof. Raimonda Agnė Medeišienė.
The spirit of creativity is very much alive in the environment of the Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy Klaipeda faculty. Here the concept of the "playful person" is taken for granted. However, the integration of analogue games into the learning process gives new ideas for artists‘ tutors and artists.
This Multiplier event of TEGA took place on 6 March 2023 in Klaipeda city, Lithuania and was attended by 36 participants - teachers, non-formal educators, and MA students in Applied Theatre.
Links about the event: