On 20-22 June 2022, at the premises of Hellenic Open University in Athens, DAISSy group organised the 1st transnational training activity of the European project TEGA - Training the Educators to Facilitate the Teaching and Assessment of Abstract Syllabus by the Use of Serious Games.
A total of 18 trainees participated, who are lecturers and/or researchers at Lusófona University, London South Bank University (LSBU), Vilnius University and Hellenic Open University.
During the three-day training, the trainees participated in a Lego Serious Play workshop organized and coordinated by Mr. Byron Damasiotis, researcher with DAISSy group. Subsequently, the first version of the TEGA Toolkit was presented by the partners from LSBU and, based on the proposed methodology, the trainees carried out group practical assignments of analog game design, while evaluating the TEGA Toolkit. Moreover, Mr. Rizos Chaliampalias, researcher with DAISSy group, presented and explained the mechanisms identified in board games, while the partners from Lusófona University presented the specific topic of inclusive design of board games. The training concluded with playgame sessions using specific board games and evaluating them in terms of their degree of inclusivity.
On 23 & 24 June the 3rd transnational meeting of the project partners took place during which the next steps in the development of the deliverables, the roles and deadlines were discussed.
The main goal of the TEGA project is to develop a game-based teaching strategy in order to change the traditional pedagogical practices in Higher Education. This approach is expected to enhance the academic skills of lecturers in Universities, as well as students' learning process.
The DAISSy Research Group of Hellenic Open University (@DAISSyResearchGroup), is involved in all work packages, undertaking the development of the online platform that will support the project's community of practice, a pan-European network of people who develop games and integrate them into the educational process.