On 4th - 5th April 2023, at the premises of LSBU University in London, the last transnational meeting of the European project TEGA - Training the Educators to Facilitate the Teaching and Assessment of Abstract Syllabus by the Use of Serious Games was held.
Partners from Hellenic Open University of Greece, Lusofona University from Portugal, Vilnius University from Lithuania and LSBU from UK attended the meeting.
The main goal of the TEGA project is to develop a game-based teaching strategy in order to change the traditional pedagogical practices in Higher Education. This approach is expected to enhance the academic skills of lecturers in universities, as well as students' learning process. Show cases from SPIRAL community project and training, fast familiar, LSBU OD, TEGA training at LSBU was presented by Joel Balkwill, Dan Barnard, Dorota, Uptas-Tworek and Mark Winter. The TEGA toolkit app was presented for the first time by Theodor Smith one of LSBU students. The partners finalised the reports on all Intellectual Outputs.